Thursday, October 15, 2009

angry wifey declares: all is stupid

Welcome to the most logical rant you will find. I run across tons of things on a daily basis to complain about. Simple things, that make me so angry my fingers tremble as I type, things within a persons control, infuriate me for some reason- especially when they DON'T control it, so I make it my business to be the one to ask "WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON?!"

I try to live my life under the simple idea that "You are the only one in control of your emotions". In that I mean that if you feel someone is making you sad or mad or glad it is, in fact, not them who makes you feel these ways but you who allows their actions to make you feel. I remind you that I said I try. Where I fall short is, the realization that if these people, who's actions make me feel these things, had more concern or self awareness then they wouldn't do the things to make me feel the ways I do and so on, and so on. Such is my dilemma and so here is a blog to let it all out. To declare, if you will, that all IS stupid and with my analytical nature I can help make people see that. Only then can we hope for change ;)

1 comment:

  1. I have felt that way about so many things.
    The way I was in the 80s is so completely different than the way I am today.
    In that,I let people walk all over me.
    When there was something very important to me,like someone I wanted in my life,I was always afraid of a fight,confrontation,or some other form of drama,that the person keeping me from that special someone,wound up getting their way,when the solution was so simple,it couldn't have been more obvious,if it came up and slapped me in the face.
    Thank God for lifes' lessons coming in the many forms they do,or I wouldn't have learned from those mistakes and be able to stand up to adversity when it's facing me.
    And I thank God every day,for having such a wonderfully,talented,funny,articulate cousin such as you.
