Tuesday, February 16, 2010

angry wifey declares: enroll now!

The School of Self.
Classes enrolling now. Admission is easy.
Tuition will only cost you what you are willing to give.


Why do people, who you know are smart, act so fucking stupid* sometimes?! I wonder this often. I wonder if other people wonder it too..

*keep in mind when I say stupid Im not talking having a lack of book smarts, Im talking being absolutely lazy minded.

Is there not a clear stigma about half-assedness? Isnt it pretty much a general consensus that half-stepping is a bad thing? I mean I know Im not usually an advocate of popular opinion but in this case I'd say there's safety in numbers. The fact that a good majority of people have been negatively affected (or at the least immensely irritated) by someone who doesnt put forth proper effort is enough to support the idea that being a lazy jackass, procrastinator, half-stepper, or anything along those lines is unbecoming of a fully functioning adult.

Now you've got your prime examples of these types: dead beat dads, over-delegating bosses, people who dont clean up after themselves, people who litter because "they pay someone to clean up this parking lot" (occasionally guilty of that myself), people in work groups or on group projects who let everyone else do the work, people who expect someone else to always pay their way, people who make excuses for EVERYTHING- you know what im getting at..

But what about the not so obvious offenders? the easy riders? the ones who take the slacker job for just that reason. the ones who send out a resume then dont follow up on it and wonder why they cant find a job. the ones who do things like put water in a dirty bowl but never come back to actually wash the bowl and put it away or even load it up in the dishwasher. or do things like take the full trash bag out of the trash can but dont take it outside- or on the flip side of that take one item all the way to the outside trashcan to avoid a bigger task like having to take out the overflowing trash in the kitchen. its sad really, how little this varies from the behavior of a teenager. And we fancy ourselves as grown ups.

Well GROW UP! if any of the above listed things remind you of yourself then its time to go back to school. Its time to learn you and what you are really about. See, I believe that the more you know about yourself, the less likely you are to present yourself at a lesser caliber. Its the whole live up to your full potential theory. Most people I know dont do this as a constant state of being, instead they use it as temporary bridge from one chapter of life to another. Why only do this at particular moments? Why not live to your fullest EVERY moment? When the opportunity presents itself, take it.. be it doing the dishes from last nights dinner or making an uncomfortable phone call that you have been putting off. sometimes not doing these things holds you back more than you could imagine. clutter clutters up the mind. avoided opportunities close doors. dirty dishes in the sink means no clean dishes in the cabinet. putting forth minimal effort will make people less likely to come to you, depend on you, look up to you- for anything. and that may result in people less likely to want to have you around at all. its a simple equation really. not hard to learn. cause and affect- one of the many classes offered at the school of self. spending a semester or two learning who you are and why you do what you do is the fastest way to true success and happiness. Enroll now!

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