Friday, July 23, 2010

make time to read this, even in parts if necessary.

read this, print this, send this to someone... live this. enjoy.

may you be blessed with peace and prosperity.

a list to live by...

· From this instant on, vow to stop disappointing yourself. Most people don't realize that both help and harm come from within ourselves. Have faith in yourself and the divine gifts instilled within you. Faithfulness is the antidote to bitterness and confusion. We are always learning, always growing. It is right to accept challenges, this is how we progress to the next level of intllectual, physical, or moral development. Challenge yourself to live the happy and peaceful life we were all blessed with. How long can you afford to put off who you really want to be? Your nobler self cannot wait any longer.

· Connect with what truly is of your concern. In knowing and attending to what actually concerns you, you cannot be made to do anything against your will; others can't hurt you, you don't incur enemies or suffer harm. If it concerns anything outside your control, train yourself not to worry about it. If you desire something that isn't within you own control, disappoinment will surely follow; meanwhile, you will be neglecting the very things that are within your control that are worthy of desire.

· When somehting happens, the only thing in your power is your attitude toward it; you can either accept it or resent it. Things and people are not what we wish them to be nor what they seem to be. They are what they are. When we name things correctly, we comprehend them correctly, without adding information or judgements that aren't there. Name the situation as it is; don't filter it through your judgements. Don't tailor the components of the outcome to your excuse. Small-minded people habitually reproach others for their own misfortunes. Average people reproach themselves; the impulse to blame something or someone is foolishness. Don't demand or expect that events happen as you would wish them to. Cease trying to anticipate or control events. Accept events as they actually happen with grace and intelligence. That way peace is possible.

· Never depend on the admiration of others. There is no strength in it. Personal merit cannot be derived from an external source. Create your own merit. Do you have specialized knowledge? Put it to it's full and good use. Do you have a good idea? Follow up and follow through on it. Make the most of what you've got, what is actually yours. The trials we endure can and should introduce us to our strengths. Dig deeply, you posses strengths you might not know you have. Find the right one and use it to better your situation. Don't be afraid of verbal abuse or criticism. Only the morally weak feel compelled to defend or explain themselves to others. Reinforce the triumph of your character and you will be strengthened.

. The surest sign of the higher life is serenity. Say to yourself, "Coping calmly with this inconvienience is the price I pay for my inner serenity, for freedom from perturbation and angst". If it is freedom you seek, then wish nothing and shun nothing that depends on others, or you will always be a helpless slave of influence. By accepting life's limits and inevitabilites and working with them rather than fighting them, we become free. Approach life as a banquet. If a dish should pass you by, enjoy what is already on your plate. There is no need to yearn, envy, and grab. You will get your rightfull portion when it is you time.

· Wherever you find yourself, and in whatever circumstances, compose yourself and give an impeccable performance. Your happiness depends on three things, all of which are within your power: your will, your ideas, and your actions. Your happiness can only be found within. People don't truly have the power to hurt you. If someone hurts or irritates you it is only your response and reaction that is hurtfull or irritating. The truth is that people who subordinate reason to their feelings of the moment are actually slaves of their desires and aversions. Don't consent to be hurt and you won't be hurt- it sounds simple and it is, this is a choice over which you have full control.

· Seeking to please is a perilous trap, character matters more than acceptance and reputation. If I get rich and powerful while preserving my own honor, faithfulness to family, friends, principles, and self respect, show me how and I'll do it. But if I have to sacrifice my personal integrity, it's stupid and silly to urge me on. For it is unreasonable to think we can earn rewards without being willing to pay their true price.

· Evil does not naturally dwell in the world, in events or in people. Evil is a by-product of forgetfulness, laziness, or distraction: it arises when we lose sight of our true aim in life. Evil also arises where there is a lack of self-discipline. Undisciplined people are forever on the lookout for signs that build up or reinforce their unexamined, and often ignorant views and opinions.

· Cultivate the habit of surveying and testing a prospective action before undertaking it. In the case of pleasure and satisfaction ask yourself "will this pleasure bring but a momentary delight, or real, lasting satisfaction?" Once you have deliberated and determined that a specific course of action is wise, whatever the situation, never discredit your judgement. Take a stand against your self-doubt- it's a wasted emotion anyway. Think things through and fully commit! Unless we fully give ourselves over to our endeavors, we are hollow, superfical people and we never develop our natural gifts. Those who mimic whatever seems novel, flashy, or edgy are only making the statement that they are shallow and will never truly be satisfied. A half-hearted spirit has no power.

· Be carefull of the company you keep. The key is to keep company only with people who uplift you, whose presence calls forth your best. In turn make it your business to draw out the best in others by being an exemplar yourself. Follow through on your generous impulses. Do not question them, or supress them and do not hesitate! As long as you let your reason lead the way, you will be safe. It is our duty to stand by our friends in their hour of need

· Clearly define the person you want to be. It's time to stop being vague. You should explicitly identify the kind of person you aspire to become. Ultimatley you can only be one person- either a good person, or a bad person. The choice is yours, and yours alone. Keep in mind that frivolous talk is hurtfull talk and breezy self-disclosure disrespects yourself. If we babble about every idea that occurs to us- big and small -we can easily fritter away in the trivial currents of mindless talk and our ideas are eroded. If need be, be mostly silent or speak sparingly. The real test of personal excellence lies in the attention we give to the often neglected small details of our conduct. Show your character and your commitment to personal nobility through your actions.

Once you have determined the spiritual principals you wish to exemplify, abide by these rules as if they were laws, as if it were indeed sinful to compromise them.

1 comment:

  1. Ah, this all rings so true. And it is superbly composed, I might add. Having lived through the personally devastating results of the manipulations of a person I can only believe is a true psychopath, I was forced to learn things about myself I never knew or would have wanted to know. At first, I refused to lend credence to what she had done by telling myself that I'd come out stronger on the other side. I didn't want to put a positive spin on the things she did, but as it turns out, it probably was the best thing that could have happened to me. She has done me a great favor because I am now stronger than I've ever been, less prone to anger, and far more generous. I got a wake-up call that few others get.

    Thanks for posting this, and you were right, I did enjoy it!
