Tuesday, July 13, 2010

angrywifey declares: you have to respect the power..

In life there is always a balance.
Always a choice to be made. Usually an influence, occasionally a mis-step. Most always consequences.
One link between it all: power.
You have it, and you have to respect it.

What I'm referring to is the power that balance has in your life, the power of the choices you make, the power someone or something may hold over you to influence your decisions, and ultimately, the power the consequence has over your thought process and your ability to grow.
There are simple things that empower people to ridiculous heights. There are ridiculous things that have the power of influence over people to reduce them down to being so simple minded.. the dichotomy is strong with this one lol.

Take the internet for example, it allows for amazing things to happen and is now available in almost all aspects of daily life. Its revered and praised and all the while most people have little respect for its power to totally destroy lives, when given free reign. Now I know the internet doesn't destroy lives per say but it is a dastardly tool and in the hands of someone with ill intentions, or even a lack of respect for what is at their fingertips, can take on a life of its own.. a life that takes on a life of its own.. and then that life takes on a life of its own, and so on. You can never get to the real truth and you can rarely find your way out in one piece.

The false sense of power created by the opportunity to be anyone is deafening. Keeping with the internet as our example, think back on how people joke about profile pictures not looking anything like the real thing on a first date. (I'm even guilty of, at one point, owning a shirt that said "You look better on MySpace" lol) Rarely, before the world wide web, did you have to worry so much about someone not being who they claim to be. I mean sure, people have always lied and cheated and deceived to get by, but never so easily, frequently and without reprimand were they able to have two simultaneously functioning personae. It creates the ability (the power) to feel untouchable and accomplished- even if it is only in deception. The afterthought of consequence is only illuminated in the event of accusation. *yeah i came up with that one myself =] hahaha

Consequence is a powerful force to someone face to face with it, because they allowed it to be. It takes someone with my favorite attribute, self awareness, to see that reality. And only then, if those stars align, will the person be even close enough to the notion of acceptance. And only then will the person have the potential to be open to the power of change. And finally, hopefully the power of balance will prevail. And life will go on.

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