Tuesday, December 22, 2009

bah humbug

The ghost of Christmas past needs to remind everyone what the holidays are truly about. I'm talkin a swift kick into yester-year. As the day approaches, and consumers everywhere scramble for those last minute gifts, I shake my head in disgust at the pressure this time of year puts on an already emotionally and financially strained public. ITS NOT ABOUT HOW MUCH YOU SPEND PEOPLE! Its about giving, and more importantly, gathering together. Is there not enough in your everyday life to stress about? Is there not enough in your everyday life to spend money on? There are some whirlwind Christmases that I spent running from store to store myself, and you know what? in the end I felt like I had just got home from a bad weekend in Vegas. Dizzy, broke, and feeling slightly violated. Something had to give...

At least I can find solace knowing that craft stores and do it yourself outfits have seen more business this Christmas season than any other in the last 10 years. That means that some of you get it- the whole "its the thought that counts" concept. I mean you really get it. You thought enough about the gift to actually gather the supplies required to make it, and more importantly, you followed through. Right on!

As for the rest of you, if you cant give at least be there to gather together. In tough times it's sometimes a gift just to be around familiar smiles. And get familiar hugs. And hear familiar laughs. Those are priceless gifts. Gifts that dont need a special season. I love to give. I also love to receive. Either way, I find Christmas in seeing the people I love. In the simple gifts they give me without even realizing. Not in knowing I out-spent or out-shopped the next chick.

So to this materialistic Christmas season and all who submit to it I say BAH HUMBUG.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

angrywifey declares: the problem lies within you

Ahh.. It would be wonderful if one day society woke up and, as a whole, understood the complex workings of the human brain- our on board computer they sent us off with, neglecting to include an instruction manual or even a trouble shooting guide. Centuries have been spent prying into this vast wonderland between our ears and still we've not gotten very far. Its quite ironic really, thinking.. about how we think..

I guess that's what all those shrinks and spooks are for. All those college courses and self help books, seminars and spiritual retreats.. They all, in one way or another, take money and use it to dissect the brain and supposedly help those in need navigate through the twists and turns of life. (You also have your cost free ways of peering into your "self". Long walks, meditation, journals, blogs, support groups, lifetime movies- excuse me as I choke down this vomit.) All in all ,there ARE some successful paths that have been carved out by previous generations. So why do people act certain ways, are able to anticipate and define those actions or reactions, and then look so confused as to how to change for the better? In the wise words of my mom, "I don't know."

Today it seems I have been dealt the hand of dealing directly with people who ask for help and then complain and make excuses when you try to help them. Also with people who have shady and questionable tendencies and are offended that they aren't trusted fully. Oh my gawd. Lets get some SELF AWARENESS folks. Ill say it again: SELF AWARENESS. Its an easy concept, hard in application. If you are aware of your actions or reactions then you can better control them. Simple. The only thing that may be complicated for some is the "self" part. That doesn't leave room for anyone else to keep after you and how you act. It doesn't allow for any emotional babysitters or enablers. And it sure as hell shouldn't mean that someone has to explain to you when and why you are out of line. It means just what it means, YOU are responsible for YOU. Be mature and try to be aware of why people make assumptions about you based on past experiences, or based on a collection of things that came straight from your mouth. The answer lies within you because the problem lies within you.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

angry wifey declares: all is stupid

Welcome to the most logical rant you will find. I run across tons of things on a daily basis to complain about. Simple things, that make me so angry my fingers tremble as I type, things within a persons control, infuriate me for some reason- especially when they DON'T control it, so I make it my business to be the one to ask "WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON?!"

I try to live my life under the simple idea that "You are the only one in control of your emotions". In that I mean that if you feel someone is making you sad or mad or glad it is, in fact, not them who makes you feel these ways but you who allows their actions to make you feel. I remind you that I said I try. Where I fall short is, the realization that if these people, who's actions make me feel these things, had more concern or self awareness then they wouldn't do the things to make me feel the ways I do and so on, and so on. Such is my dilemma and so here is a blog to let it all out. To declare, if you will, that all IS stupid and with my analytical nature I can help make people see that. Only then can we hope for change ;)